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Busy Mums Slow Down™ Kickstart Guide

The stress free & simple step by step guide to fitting an hour of ‘me time’ into your EVERYDAY without feeling mum guilt.

Even (& ESPECIALLY!) if you’re feeling ‘too busy to slow down’!

Constantly scrambling, scattered & exhausted?

But feel like you never get anything done? I know how impossible slowing down sounds so I’ve taken the guesswork out of it for you.

And made it possible with my simple Busy Mums Slow Down™ Kickstart Guide.

$97 value. It’s yours FREE!

If you’re feeling constantly drained and distracted, it’s not your fault.

Loads of smart busy mums have gotten sucked into a toxic and soul destroying trap I call ‘TOO BUSY TO SLOW DOWN’. Constantly scrambling, scattered and exhausted but never seeming to get anything done.

Hey there!

I’m Hiddy, your new ‘me time’ manager. If you feel anything like me, you know your life can be beautiful but you need to get out of your own way. Believe me, I get it …

I was a rushing mama with too much to do, always chasing my own tail and feeling like I would never get there. In my 20s & 30s, with a very successful career, I was married, with two beautiful children under 10. Then I suddenly at 40 lost it all.

As I fell into bed, an utterly exhausted, heartbroken and depleted single mama one night, with an uncompleted list of things to do from the day rushing around my head I said to myself … I DID NOT WANT TO BE THIS PERSON.

A year from now, I don’t want THIS. YES, I do want to get sh*! done, but I want to properly connect with my kids, be a better and healthier version of who I am right now and have something to enjoy in my every day for me too.

So I set about rebuilding my personal AND professional life from scratch. At 42, with more to do than ever before, I tossed the longest list of ‘To Do’s’ you ever did see into the bin’ and decided to forget about the ‘how’ and get to the very core of ‘what I really wanted in my life’ and ‘WHY!’

Through the process (which was years in the making) I created what I now call my signature method – The ME TIME Method.

I was able to stop measuring my worth on what I did/didn’t get done in a day and learned that this mammoth adversity in my life, was an opportunity to rebuild on my terms AND to slow down A LOT.

I now have the daily focus and ability to reboot from the constant bombardment of life, get a bunch of stuff done, connect individually with everyone in my family and have time out for me every day too.

I have re-created my life, to a fulfilling and achieving one that I always wanted. If I can go from a ‘Rushing Ruby’ to a ‘Me Time Marlow’, then you can too with my FREE & done for you Busy Mums Slow Down™ Kickstart Guide.

I've Been Featured

Podcasts & Blogs

Rising Mom

Letting Go Of Hustle & Embracing Slow Can Change Everything

The 29 Minute Mom

Episode 61 – Dealing with Grief and Adversity

Pro Organizer Studio

Episode 49 – Slow Down & Get More Done

Life Sorted

Celebrating the superpowers of female entrepreneurs

The Daily Pretty

How and why you should embrace slow as a modern woman

Yes, It Really Works


“An experienced, intuitive educator with a talent for communicating and connecting with people from all backgrounds, Hiddy has a powerful story and message to teach busy mums.”

I recruited Hiddy as our Global Educator for Shortcuts Software (in 2004) because of her warm, engaging personality and skilled ability to mentor others.

It’s time to stop saying

I’m sick of rushing around all day and feeling like I get nothing done!

This straightforward little guide will get you started with toward ‘me time’ every single day without becoming engulfed in a to-do list that’s outta control.

(Psst … it’s only for busy mums who want some time back for themselves every single day)