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Self Love

Have I failed?

By Minimalist, Self Love
Six weeks ago I got kicked by a horse. Hard. I was unsure if I’d seriously damaged my leg - especially my reconstructed knee. A few weeks later, after taking it especially carefully, I had a big fall off one too.  The pain has been immense. And pain has a funny way of clouding our minds, our energy. Of course, I did what most of us do and kept gently moving forward. My family needed…
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Meet our new baby!

By Hiddy and Co Horses, Self Love
I realise it’s easier to say ‘trust the timing of life’ than it is to actually 'do’ ... when life’s happening around us and especially when shits flying all over the place! Am I right? Or am I right? Last week, I shared with you that I suddenly lost my beloved 🐴 Monte a year ago and that this is something I haven’t been ready or able to share publicly, until now. I guess because,…
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Decluttering as essential self care

By Self Love
I know, I know, decluttering has been making headlines for a few years now, some claim it’s even… magical 😉 But I don’t want to talk about how you can keep up with decluttering trends. Instead I want to share with you why you should consider decluttering your space,  in the first place. It’s good for your brain. But you don’t need to trust Marie Kondo, or the Minimalists, or even me. Researchers at Princeton…
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Move from empty to empowered

By Self Love
Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’re so deep into everyday chores and responsibilities, into looking after everyone and everything, into keeping things, life, your family - on track, that you feel you have nothing left to give. You’re empty. Worse, you sometimes even feel resentful that you don’t have more. More help, more time, more freedom. I’m here to tell you that it’s ok. You’re ok. We’ve all had times when life seemed unfair,…
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Housework: chore or ritual?

Housework – chores or ritual?

By Self Love
It’s all well and nice to be talking about slowing down, doing less, self care and wellbeing, but we need to talk about the elephant in everyone’s room: housework. The latest Time Use Survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics identified that women spent almost three hours every day on domestic activities. Three hours! Every day! This is the average for Australian women, but I’m willing to take a wild guess that it’s not…
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Break free from mum guilt

By Self Love
Chances are, if you’re a mother, you’re no stranger to mum guilt. Whatever choices we make in our life and in our parenting, there is always a nagging feeling that we could do better, be more. Does mum guilt rear its head in your parenting days? It’s such a prevalent feeling that authors Ita Buttrose and Penny Adams called it Motherguilt and wrote a book about it. ‘Wanting only the best for their families, mothers…
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Morning routines: How to own your day

By Self Love
Do you roll out of bed excited to take on the day, or do you pull the covers over your head hoping for just five more minutes? Whether you’re a morning person, a night owl, or an exhausted mum burning the candle at both ends, a strong morning routine can set you up for success all day long. A morning routine is simply a set of daily actions that help you own your morning and…
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I know a thing or two about grief and loss

By Self Love
In 2013, my sweet little boho family relocated from Queensland and bought a stunning 25-acre New South Wales coastal property, an easy five-minute drive to the beach. We had our horses, dogs, chooks, a very successful business and so many plans for the future. I could never have predicted the grief and loss I was about to experience. I thought I was living the dream. I was turning 40 and about to celebrate my 10th…
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Why single mums need to slow down

By Self Love
Solo parenting is a hard gig, be kind to yourself I never thought I’d be a single mum. So, when it happened, I was completely blindsided. My life, and my darling children’s lives, changed overnight. As a mum, I’ve always felt like women are the project managers of the home. I know that seems like a controversial thing to say, but it’s the truth. Even for married or partnered mama’s, tell me who does the…
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Embrace the joy of missing out

By Minimalist, Self Love
JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)Oh the joy of missing out. When the world begins to shoutAnd rush towards that shining thing;The latest bit of mental bling –Trying to have it, see it, do it,You simply know you won't go through it;The anxious clamouring and needThis restless hungry thing to feed.Instead, you feel the loveliness;The pleasure of your emptiness.You spurn the treasure on the shelfIn favour of your peaceful self;Without regret, without a doubt.Oh the joy of missing outby…
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